Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm done

I'm going back to Xanga. I don't have the time or motivation to get better at learning Blogger, and I already know what I'm doing (although limited) on Xanga. So, you can find me back at
Hopefully, I'll post more. We'll see...
I'm working on a huge "summer post" as we speak (type).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Softball and 8 Years

Many of you know that I LOVE softball. I started playing in 1st grade, played through high school, and couldn't play in college because I had never done fast pitch, and that's what they did at Baylor. Anyway, I got to play several years ago with a Summit women's team (before I had kids.) And now, I am playing again!!! My good friend, Stacy (Abigail's mom - who watched Mark for his first 2 years) goes to Church at Rock Creek, and they have a women's team that plays at Burns Park. Well, these women are GOOD! It is really fun! We've had 4 games - the first 3 were blowouts, and our last game was closer, but we still won. I've never been on a really good team, but it makes it even more fun! (I'm a little competitive...) I probably won't post any pictures of me playing on here because I am so out of shape, it's not even funny. I've had a couple of doubles (which means making it to 2nd base), and I swear, I needed oxygen. It's pathetic.

On to more important things:
I have been married to Joshua L. Kennedy for 8 years today!!! Wow! What an 8 years it's been. We were so young when we got married - 21 - finishing up our undergraduate studies at Baylor. I love Josh more today than I did June 2, 2001. Here are some of the things I love about him. He is the hardest working person I have ever, ever met! I've known some hard workers in my life, but Josh surpasses them all. He is the kind of doctor who will make sure that his patients are absolutely stable, comfortable, and the next person taking care of them is up to date on what they need before he leaves the hospital. He is constantly being complimented by nurses, attendings, patients, and others for his outstanding bedside manner and his genuine compassion. It makes me so proud to see the work of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling his calling by making a difference in these people's lives.

I also love the fact that all the stress, pressure, and demands of his work don't seem to effect his outlook on life or his attitude towards us, his family. I am amazed to see the grace by which he juggles all of his responsibilities as a husband, father, and resident physician. I am so thankful to the Lord for giving Josh the daily portion of grace he needs to handle all that he is given, just as the Israelites were given the perfect individual portions of manna each morning by the Lord. I am constantly thinking about how I would react in his situation, and I promise, I wouldn't be married, wouldn't have any friends, and I'm not sure I would go anywhere. The pressure would be too much for me.

Josh is goofy - always has been, always will be, which makes him so fun to be around! The boys can't get enough of his tickles, funny faces, and "wresting matches". And, I have to say, even though, most of the time, I roll my eyes and say "You're such a dork", I love all his "dance (using this word very loosely) moves" and corny jokes! It also helps him fit in great with my family...

Josh, I love everything about you! I am so grateful to be your wife. We have been through some amazing moments together, both spectacular and heartbreaking. You have been my rock through it all, and I can't imagine life without you. I am truly looking forward to the next 50+ years of learning more about you and experiencing life together. God has been so gracious to us, and I praise Him for giving you to me for this breath we call life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Virginia or BUST

Here I am! Sorry it took so long to get here. I needed my husband to help me figure things out, and he's been working a WHOLE lot! He's doing an ICU shift at the VA, and he's on call every other night... Boo!

Anyway, BIG NEWS!!! We matched to an allergy/immunology fellowship today in Charlottesville, Virginia with the University of Virginia Med Center!!! That was Josh's number one choice, and we got it! We will be moving in June of 2010, so we've got a year to sell our house here, find one in VA, and research the area some. My mom and I visited there about 3 weeks ago because Josh wanted me to see the area and just make sure I could see our family there. We had a great time; it is a beautiful town and very family friendly. I might have said some of this before, so sorry if it's redundant. Having visited there, I have much more of peace about the whole idea of moving now. Before, it was just overwhelming to think about starting completely over somewhere, not knowing a soul. But, Virginia is still in the South, everyone is friendly, and there is lots of neat stuff to do - very historical area. Washington D.C. is only 2 hours northeast, and Richmond is 1 hour southeast. Here are some pictures from me and Mom's trip.

This is Thomas Jefferson's summer home, Poplar Forest - very cool place!

This is a D-Day Memorial near Lynchburg, VA

Mom had never eaten at a "Melting Pot" before - we enjoyed it!

This is a neat outdoor ampitheater at the end of a pedestrian mall walkway where they have live music every Friday night

We are looking forward to this Memorial Day weekend; my sister, Armand, and Trey are coming from Omaha. Here are some other pictures that explain what we've been up to lately.

This is Seth in his stander, which we aren't using anymore because he's bearing weight all the time now! But, it really helped him learn the skill

Here is Seth in his AFOs, (the foot braces) and walking in his walker!!! He is doing so well!

He also has some sunglasses on - we have 2 pairs now that will hopefully work to help keep contacts in and the sun out.
The family at Easter

The Kennedy boys at an Exotic Animals Ranch in NWA

(Addis, Seth, Mark - scary, huh?, and Easton)

The Kennedy Girls

Catherine and Sophia

Mark on a horse at the Exotic Animal Farm

Mark and Easton on a camel

Mark actually went to small group dressed like this the other night

Mark on a carousel at Toad Suck Daze

Seth on a carousel at Toad Suck Daze

Mark totally enjoying a slide at Toad Suck Daze... Story - the woman with him is a total stranger. I took the boys by myself since Josh was working, so obviously, Seth and I couldn't go down, and Mark insisted that he wanted to go and could do it by himself. Well, about half way up the stairs, he freaked out, and I didn't know what to do because Seth was in a stroller at the bottom, and I couldn't just leave him there while I dealt with Mark. So, this woman volunteered to help Mark since she was taking her son up too. You can tell by Mark's face that it was totally worth all the hassle... Just another "single mom" moment.

I thought Seth looked like his cousin, Addis, in this picture. What do you think? (It's Oreos...)

Finally, some Blogger questions that may be stupid ones, but I don't learn well on my own...

1. Can I upload more than one image at a time?

2. When it uploads the picture, it always puts it at the top of the post; is there a way I can tell it where to go in the post?

3. This is the "stupidest" one - how do I upload a profile picture?

Thanks! Have a great holiday weekend!